Welcome to FREEworld( The Federation of Responsible and Ethical Entities ) Home of Freelance Professionals (F-Pro)Please Choose your FREEworld / Freelance Professionals experience below:
Freelance Professionals Professional Photographers and Photojournalists CURRENT ASSIGNMENTS:
 F-Pro Photojournalist Philip McMaster for hire. | Join the professional travellers... YOU WON'T BELIEVE HOW FEW $$$ YOU NEED TO FLY AROUND THE WORLD WITH
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Adventurpreneur.com An Adventurepreneur is someone who lives for experience! they love life, people, nature and society and engage in trade and commerce as an adventure! The Adventurpreneur does not compartementalize their life - instead they accept the continuum of experience and decisions made. | CoolCanadianStuff.com Cool Canadian Stuff is Selected by the Cool Patrol - Products featured on Cool Canadian Stuff have been chosen by young Canadians who scour our land for the trendiest, coolest, best made, best designed, easiest to use products made by Canadians, invented by Canadians. | BeBuyBoost.ca Be, Buy, Boost means: Be yourself. Buy from your community and Boost risk-takers and entrepeneurs who create the jobs around you. Loyalty and Authenticity with your neighbours and community will pay you back in job security, safety and cultural integrity. | Cooldetrecanadien.ca Canada's other official language is French. The Cool d'être canadien site is not a translation, it is a "canadien" perspective! - The original "Canadians" were the "Habitants", the French-speaking settlers who arrived before the English, North of the 49th parallel. | CooltobeCanadian.com The International Site of Cool to be Canadian Corp. non-profit organization. What's Cool in Canada? What's Cool from Canada? Canadians around the world and those who like Canadians can find unique MADE IN CANADA items. | CTBC.tv Cool to be Canadian Television - Offering the world "Creative Commons" access to examples of "Canadianization" of people around the world. | E-Medics.com E-Medics - Reduce, Refurbish, Recycle, Rescue | GuaranaWorld.com Guarana World touches the universe of products from Energetic Brazil! Not only the energy product Guarana, but other traditional products and potions from natural sources, benefitting indigenous populations. | Guaranine.com Guaranine is the ACTIVE INGREDIENT in Guarana, an energetic plant origninating deep in the jungles of the Brazilian Amazon. | MundoGuarana.com Mundo Guarana is the land of ENERGY - The famous Brazilian energy seed carries the energy, passion and excitement of Brazil. | OriginalGuarana.com The Original Brazilian Guarana seed from the Original Amazon Tribe in Amazonas State Brazil. | SWOT.tv Market-of-one Digital Age Business Television. Sharing stories, examples and experiences of holistic business / personal / civic success. |
| | FREELANCE PROFESSIONALS F-PRO.CA Looking to make back some of that money you spent on that expensive camera equipment? Consider taking a course in Event Sports and Adventure (ESA) Photography and becoming a PRO. Become a Freelance Professional and sell your work through PhotoStockPlus | |
RelationShoppe The Relationship HEALTH Shoppe (est. 1999) Through the RelationShoppe Concept and its strategic alliances, we believe that access to education, guidance and fine relationship products and services we will improve the lives of our customers and contribute to the quality of society and the healing of the earth. RelationShoppe Blender Parties and Brunches (est.1987, web 1996) . | Freelance Professionals ( F-Pro ) is an organization made up of freelance professionals in the print, video, and other media-related fields. Members include journalists, artists, models etc., as well as computer-based publishing specialists from around the world. (founded 1990, Web since 1994) Looking for Freelance Work? Click above!  Freelance Professionals - AWARD-WINNING site!
| Discover Opportunities at Cool to be Canadian | Explorasport® Inc. Explorasport is an outdoor experience organization, founded on the values of growth through challenge, and the opportunity to experience, thrill, learn and grow. Sound too serious? Check it out and have fun! (founded 1980, web since 1994) | Cool to be Canadian® Cool to be Canadian has arrived at the moment of a Canadian Renaissance. Party with Canadianswho celebrate their identity and help others to discover theirs! (founded 1992, web since 1997)
| Party Network Central Don't miss the Newcomers Network, Blender Parties and Blender Brunches... where REAL LIVE "beautiful people" hang out! (since 1996) If you are impatient, visit one of the thousands of people who might be a match for you, RIGHT NOW! | CyberSpacePort ( Archive ) CyberSpacePort is a virtual tour of some ofthe world's orbital launch facilities and clearinghouse forpromotional information regarding space launchorganizations. (est. 1997) | Rovers Rule(Archive) A site for those who love the legendary products of Solihull, England... Land Rovers and Range Rovers (Includes 1995 Camel Trophy Expedition)
| F.A.B. Virtual Art Gallery The Fine Art of a wonderful Canadian artist, Florence Bryson McMaster from the Laurentian Mountains of Quebec, Canada. (web since 1994) | FREEworldThe natural evolution of communications for a lonely planet. FREEworld is about Ethical FREEDOM - our island network of international citizens welcomes you to an exclusive world of ideas, privacy services and products. (est. 1994)
But, please dont leave yet! visit one of the thousands of people who might be a match for YOU! Questions or comments regarding this site? Website design, development and management: Perception reEngineering and Design Group. Copyright 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004 Freelance Professionals. All rights reserved.