
F-Pro Logo

Freelance Proffessionals
F-Pro™ (Freelance Professionals™) is an organization made up of freelance professionals in the print, video, and other media-related fields. Members include journalists,artists, models, and computer-based publishing specialists.

line Are you involved in professional freelance communications? Are you a student in a field related to communications? Are you an expert in a specialized area, a model with uncommon features? an artist who serves the communications world in some unique way? If you qualify, Freelance Professionals™ or its student division Futur rofessionals™ may be your "ticket" to greater exposure, opportunity to profit and copyright protection of your work!

  1. What is F-Pro™?
  2. Who are some of the skilled people involved in Freelance Professionals™?
  3. When did F-Pro™ begin and what kind of people were its founders?
  4. What inspired the efforts of F-Pro™?
  5. Who is eligible to be involved?
  6. What if I have already been involved in freelance work?

  7. What are the two ways into the organization?
  8. What is the difference between Futur Professionals™ (F-Pro*edu)™ and Freelance Professionals™ (F-Pro)™?
  9. Why is the "e" missing in the Futur Professionals™ name?

  10. Where does Fashion Professionals™ fit in?

  11. Can you be a student member of F-Pro™ without the *edu?
  12. What then, is the advantage of joining Futur Professionals™ as a student?
  13. What does it cost to be a student member of Futur Professionals (F-Pro*edu)?
  14. What if I am not a student and not actually freelancing right now, can I join anyway?

  15. What does that mean, "actively developing their professional status"?

  16. I have heard it is possible to have a free membership in F-Pro™, is this true?
  17. Are free memberships available in the student organization Futur Professionals™ also?
  18. Is there anything I can get for free from you guys?

  19. Can just anyone use the trademarked names and symbols associated with F-pro™?
  20. Does joining F-Pro help me protect my own copyright material?
  21. Does paying my initiation fee grant me usage of any of the trademarks owned by F-Pro Inc.?
  22. Do F-Pro Knowledge Knavigators have the right to use trade marks owned by F-Pro, Inc.?

  23. Why is membership in these networks so restrictive?
    Don't you want to fill up the roster with as many members as possible?

  24. What is the mission of F-Pro™?

  25. What are the set of F-Pro™ rules?
  26. The Freelance Professionals (F-Pro™) World Syndicate CREDO

  27. How do I get my F-Pro™ Personal Identification Number (PIN)?

  28. Is insurance available to F-Pro™ members?

  29. What is the X-List?
  30. Is de-listing the same as X-Listing?
  31. Is De-listing a permanent condition?
  32. What happens if someone is successfully expelled from F-Pro?

  33. How do Knowledge Knavigators™ fit in the F-Pro™ organization?
  34. Who are Knowlege Knavigators™?
  35. Who are "Independent Image and Information Producers™" (IIIPs)
  36. How can I purchase an F-Pro Knowledge Knavigators™ Franchise?
  37. How long is the Temporary Membership period?

  38. What are some of the Membership Requirements to become associated with?

  39. What are the services of F-Pro MULTInationalMEDIA™?